Monday, November 26, 2007

Jumpers for goalposts at Carrington, as United's kids are being taught the right way,

More shared values, with those upholders of civilised values Saudi Arabia,

I haven't read that the Saudis are influential in Pakistan before, oh dear, nuclear bomb and all,,2217076,00.html

Minister leads the push for faster broadband,
I wish i could believe they were serious, or that if they are, that anything will come out of it.

Where death by water is part of daily life, Larry Elliot paints a grim picture of the sanitary conditions of Bangladesh. I watched a documentary about corruption in Kenya a while ago, and the reporter was based in a shanty town in Nairobi. When he walked out of his hut he was literally walking on shit, it looked absolutely horrendous. Of course if we took back in time to the last century or even longer, the smell would probably makes us heave almost straight away. It's terrible to think there are still places in the world where conditions are still that bad.

The yanks show us up over BAE
This is eventually going to be another massive embarrassment to hit our hapless government

Oxford union debate controversy,,2217115,00.html
Free speech is free speech to me, and repugnant views should be out in the open to take apart and ridiculed by rational argument.

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