Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Xmas party goes sour

As Johnny Evans finishes off a pretty miserable second half of the year accused of rape
There isn't much you can say except i hope he is innocent, and he can get over it quickly. When i heard about it last night he was one of the last players i could imagine it being. Of course this is not the first time a footballer has been accused,
Tony Cascarino thinks Footballers must forget tradition and bin Xmas parties,

United show FA the way forward
I would like to think the report is right, and we are obviously producing good players, our youngsters who go out on loan are all seemingly doing well at the clubs they are at. Let's just hope that some of them start to come good in the first team.

More on South Africa as one commentator speculates on the break up of the ANC,,2229540,00.html

The Democratic republic of Congo is a country you never see on any news bulletins, but when you read about the travails it has been through and may be about to go through again, you wonder why. It seems to be one of those unlucky countries where everything that can go wrong does go wrong. Going back as far colonialism, where it was exploited even worse than elsewhere by their European enslavers, and through to the present day.

Whitehall isn't working says Simon Jenkins,,,2229668,00.html

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