Saturday, January 5, 2008

Fergie lays into indipendent United fans

Henry winter says Fergie should listen to disenfranchised fans;jsessionid=ADKAUHKOZDXFXQFIQMGCFGGAVCBQUIV0?xml=/sport/2008/01/05/sfnwin105.xml
All this after the support he was given in his dispute over "that" race horse by those same fans in his dispute with Coolmore. And we have learnt since he was entirely in the wrong. And all this that led to the situation which split our fans, and priced out a lot of hardcore fans who did stay but couldn't afford the ridiculous price rises. I still respect him as a manager, how could you not, but nothing else. He could just stay quiet, but to continually take the piss, he will never be regarded in the same way as sir Matt.

More about Johnny Evans loan move to Sunderland

Britain not fit for purpose
And public transport is garbage, privatisation is no answer to anything. I am not saying old fashioned nationalisation was brilliant, it wasn't, but it was better than what we have now.

Oliver Kamm responds to Oliver James article on selfish capitalism
I agree with his basic premise that governments should only aspire to provide everyone a with a reasonable standard of living, and make sure you have a safety ladder you can't fall below. After that it is up to individual choice, governments can't be worrying themselves with the mental state of the population.

John Harris on the myth of the return to form
I think he is probably right that most bands or artists have only a limited time in the creative sun and then it is either breaking up or just plodding on living off your back catalogues. But that means as he says that the greats must be truly great.

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