Thursday, September 19, 2013

Operation keep Rooney sweet!

Given Fergie's reported words on MUTV tonight, it would seem that United are really pushing the boat out in a bid to persuade him that leaving would be the wrong move. In which case it will be interesting to see how Rooney fares in his upcoming book, if that's soft soaped, I'm not sure it will be a must read book. Not that I ever expected it to be, now an updated Michael Crick biography of Ferguson, then we'd be talking.
Despite his improved performance on Tuesday, I'm not convinced he's worth it, I mean given his fitness issues, professionalism issues and age, why would you be thinking of giving him an improved contract. And that is what he will be after.

In two minds on the Lingard loan move to Birmingham, I was hoping to see him take some part in next weeks league cup tie against the dippers, I'm wondering just how many youngsters will get a look in next Wednesday. But he needs to take the step up from reserve team football, he's nothing to prove at that level. Once again on Monday night he was excellent during the 4-1 victory over Bolton, with two more goals to his name. But is a struggling Birmingham team the right club, i suppose it will test whether his slight frame will be able to cope with physical side of first team football, if nothing else.
The story was that Lingard and Michael Keane would be going out on loan, now Keane is definitely in need of first team football. I have had a feeling he hasn't really pushed on since he came back to our under 21's from his successful loan spell at Leicester last season. In fact during the 4-2 defeat to Liverpool at Salford last month, he was pretty poor. It will be interesting to see whether he will be championship bound or whether a premier league club will take a chance on him.


Benga - Chapter II: I loved his debut album, but this doesn't really do much for me. There are some decent tunes on it, but where the debut was at times dark and moody, this is fluffy and veers to far for my tastes towards a chart friendly commercial sound.

Jon Hopkins - Immunity: His last album, the collaboration with King Creosote was pretty good, but i'd take this over it. That was more a adventurous album, but there isn't a weak track on this, even if it's far more coventional.

Lee Fields - Let's talk it over: I haven't heard his albums over the last couple of years, but if they are anywhere near as good as this little heard debut from the late 70's, I'll have to search them out. Classic funk/soul, it's superb.

Oblivians - Desperation: I never heard this this US garage rock band first time around in the 90's, but this re-union album is excellent. It's loud rip roaring dirty rockn roll.

Thee Oh Sees - Floating coffin: This isn't a million miles away from the Oblivians album, loud scuzzy garage rock. A bit of a departure from their last effort, but it hits the spot. 

These New Puritans - Field of reeds: Their albums are usually growers, and this was no different. It's an excellent album, but i wouldn't begin to know how to describe it. It's almost owes more to avant-garde classical than experimental electronica, at times it even starts to sound like brass band music.

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