Saturday, January 30, 2010

United in takeover calls

Is this the beginning of the end for the gimps. It's hard to know yet, i suppose they are going to have to make leaving worth their while. That would be hard to stomach but if we get our football club run along the right lines, it would be a price worth paying as far as i am concerned.

The green and gold campaign is really taking off and winning over the doubters, United and neutral.

Fletcher is not anti football, Wenger's description, after the home victory earlier in the season as Ferguson defends the Scottish player. It was all total sour grapes after getting beat again.

James Lawton thinks Terry will have lost the trust of Capello over the captaincy. I'd like to think he lost the trust of his team mates.

The appearance of Tony Blur was the highlight or lowlight of the week in poilitics, here is Matthew Parris's take on preceedings. That's the first time i have read anybody inferring the neocons are trying to scapegoat him as well as the anti war movement. The easy ride he got was nauseating but totally expected.

Simon Jenkins finds the questioning appalling but thinks Blair's confident performance was undone by the lack of remorse for the loss of life at the end.

Robert Fisk analyses the show from the middle east.

A guardian podcast on the proceedings

Jeremy Warner thinks the financial world has forgotten what capitalism is for.

I think we can safely say Michael disagrees, he thinks they know what it's for alright.
I don't know about evil but id like to think that junk bonds, hedge funds, leveraged buyouts and the like will be dirty words before i turn to dust. And long term i would agree some one must come up with something miles more efficient ( no recessions, depressions, mass unemployment and sink estates ) and something fairer. The Keynesian econmics of the post war years would be the starting point for looking for a new model.

Is Cameron saying one thing to the British electorate and another to the world's finacial establishment at Davos. He really is going to be Tony Blair the second if they get that majority.

It looks like Chris Morris's new film will be one to watch, as it goes down well at the sundance festival.

A classic piece of Krautrock from Neu

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