Friday, August 24, 2007

white stripes return to form


1. The White Stripes - Icky thump: a return to form, i wasn't too keen on the last album, it had it's moments, but not enough of them, and at the end of the day what they do best is loud blues rock and there was hardly any on get behind me satan. The experimentation that went on that album is here too, bagpipes even, but it seems to work better when surrounded by tracks like catch hell blues.
2. Happy Mondays - Unkle dysfunktional: I was pleasantly surprised by this, i read the reviews and didn't expect much. It is pretty good, i am not saying it gets anywhere matching their heyday, but when i listen to it i want to put it straight back on. There are no wrote for lucks or 24 hour party peoples on it, but it's got a good vibe to it.


John Pilger - War on democracy: An excellent documentary, that for the first half lauded Chavez and his regimes efforts to help the poor, and for the second half chronicled american intervention in it's backyard. Whilst i can't argue with the second part of the programme, the yanks record in latin America absolutely stinks, the jury would have to be still out on Chavez for me. I admire what he is doing for his country for the most part, but just making alliances with anybody that has a grudge against the U.S isn't exactly an ethical foreign policy. Russian, China and Iran aren't exactly the kind of countries you would want to be bracketed with.

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