Thursday, May 13, 2010

Berbatov quits international football

Berbatov retires from international football and pledges to stayand fith at the biggest club in the world.

Scholes to coach in Florida whilst England are in South Africa

Andy Cole reveals how important trying to gain a place in a world cup squad was to him and probably is for most players.

The latest fascinating column by football tactics expert Paul Wilson ponders the importance of possession after Inter's defeat of Barca.
The answer must be yes.

Rooney reveals he would like to go into management was he has finished playing, he revealed as he picked up the football writers player of the year.

Cesc Fabregas declares that his next club will be Barca, surprise, surprise. And the even worse news for gooners is it sounds like he thinks the time is right.

Spanish press go slighly over the top as Diego Forlan leads Athletico to victory over Fulham. Fulham did themselves proud but the right team won on the night. The longer the game went on there seemed only one likely winner. Once Zamorra's injury started to hamper his game Fulham lacked any kind of threat up front. And Diego was head and shoulders the best player on the pitch. I was suprprised one of the big clubs didn't come in for him after his first season at Athletico. I can only surmise that his time at old trafford puts them off. That would be a shame for him as i always thought you could see the talent at United, it was just a case of wrong time for him as he came when Ruud was probably the best centre forward in Europe.

David Aaronovitch argues that if Labour is serious about being progressive it must lead the campaign for electoral reform. After the last few days does he really think that is a serious proposition.

Henry Porter is delighted the iliberal new labour project has been shown the door by the electorate and see the difference straight away as this first statement shows the new administration means business on civil liberties. ""The parties agree to implement a full programme of measures to reverse the substantial erosion of civil liberties under the Labour government and roll back state intrusion." . The full article

Hamish McRae wonders where economic growth will come from.

If this is true Merkel's reputation in Germany will probably go down the sink.

The city is still worried what Cable's exact role in the government will be.
It looks like they will be safe unfortunately, as i can't see the tories upsetting their friends.

Johann Hari argues that the electorate didn't vote for this and fears the worst.

Farier Nelson seems to agree with Hari over the extent of of how far to the right the backbench of the tories are in contrast to their front bench leaders.

OFT launches stock take into UK economic assets. I wonder if the new government will put a stop to this, the answers could be very embarrassing for tories and even the orange book wing of the lib dems.

A tribute to the late great US comedian Bill Hicks gets the thumbs up in this Guardian review, i would have been watching it anyway.

Scouse outfit Clinic

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